Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Dear Fleet Farm

Dear Fleet Farm,

My sister in law recently took her Toyota Sienna into your Brooklyn Park service department to get her tires replaced.  When she brought the vehicle in, the tire pressure monitoring sensors were in working condition.  When she picked up the vehicle, one wasn't (when she picked up her vehicle, the work order indicated that it was previously damaged--she didn't notice as she was rushed out due to the fact that there was an unhappy customer getting loud in the lobby at the time).


My husband is an experienced auto tech.  He is always hesitant to place responsibility of newly found problems on the last tech who worked on the car. This, however, is the exception.  It seems that in this case, there is pretty much no other likely reason that this part would now be damaged other than that the tech in your shop broke it.  Accidents happen, we get that.

What we don't get, is that your Brooklyn Park service department continues to insist that they are not responsible.  So, the district manager has been contacted, and still Fleet Farm refuses to right the situation.  Oh, man mall, thou hath foresaken us.  First, we learn children's overalls have been back ordered for 6 months, now this.

If you are out there, please, how will you make this right for my sister in law? 

Inquiring minds want to know.................In the mean time, I doubt those reading this will be likely to bring cars to you for service.